Spicy Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Frittata

Spicy Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Frittata

Preparation Time: 40 minutes
Cooking Time: 60 minutes
1.  1 medium zucchini, sliced 
2.   2 cups pumpkin sliced 

3.   2 cups sweet potato, sliced 
4.   4 shallots, sliced
5.    8 eggs
6.    100 ml milk
7.    1 cup cooked chicken breast, diced
8.    3 teaspoons Perky Pumpkin and Chilli spice mix
9.    1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper

1.   Grease a 25cm round pie dish or similar sized casserole dish
2.   Layer the vegetables in the pie dish, placing the diced chicken and the shallots between the bottom and middle layers
3.   Whisk eggs, spice mix and cracked pepper until combined. pour mixture over the vegetables and chicken
4.   Place in a preheated oven 180 degrees C and cook for approximately 1 hour or until egg mixture is firm when tested with a skewer

Recipe adapted from Julie Nicolaides www.poweroffood.com.au and reprinted by The Spice Trading Company
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